Azure Resource 1.0.2
  • 01 Mar 2023
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Azure Resource 1.0.2

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Article summary

tags: Python | Azure | Entity | Tags | Resources


Integration with Azure Entity is created to support CDC users by providing enrichment consisting of details of resources and tags, enabling CDC users to make informed decisions regarding incident response.

We have provided a CLI command as well as an auto enrichment option for the enrichment of resources over Azure Entity, which is being used as option to provided additional details to analysts to better understand resources.

CyberProof uses custom adaptive cards to display large amounts of threat data in a meaningful and intuitive GUI, to facilitate easy understanding of complex enriched data about Azure Entities.

Integration Type:Enrichment
Information read:Summary of tags under the given subscription for the resource.
API Supported:2021-04-01
Input:Resource ID of the resource to be enriched.
Output:Detailed enrichment consisting of Azure entity tags related to information of the provided Input parameters.

Customer Configuration

No customer configuration

CDC Command Lines

* **get_resource_tags_cli**
The CLI of the CDC, used to enrich resources with Azure tags. Enrichment can be done using auto-enrichment or directly through the CLI. For auto-enrichment, please add resource IDs to be enriched to the azure_resource_entities Datastore key.

resource_idstringAzure Resource ID.True
api_versionstringAPI version.False


No workflows


No rules


No sensors


No triggers

Known Issues

No known issues

Change Log

Pack VersionDate of MergeChanges
v1.0.02022-05-11Implemented cli - get_resource_tags_cli to get resource tags, using the resource ID and API version. Auto-enrichment can be achieved using the same CLI for the resource IDs configured in the datastore key.
v1.0.12022-05-30Changes in bitbucket-pipelines.yml for publishing the Readme on Doc360.
v1.0.2Added classification and change log to the ReadMe.

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